
One of the keys to a successful Scouting experience for young people, second only to the selection of the right person for each responsibility, is trained volunteer leadership. Leadership training provides adult leaders with fundamental information about the aims and methods of the movement, as well as specifics about their particular roles in Scouting.

For this reason, the Atlanta Area Council is committed to providing top quality training opportunities for leaders, parents, and Scouts at the district and council levels. Through these efforts, the delivery of a better and quality Scouting program can be provided to our entire youth membership.

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. With that in mind, Youth Protection Training is required for all BSA registered volunteers.

Leaders are trained so that young people receive a worthwhile experience full of fun and adventure -- and trained leaders have more fun! 

If you are an adult who has not yet taken “Youth Protection Training” please click here! If not, please click the badge below to your corresponding program level to find out what specific training is required from you to be considered “Trained”!

Cub Scouts (Youth Grades K into 5th Grade):


Scouts BSA (Youth ages 11 - 17):

Venturing (Youth ages 14 - 20):


Exploring (Youth ages 14-20):


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Training Requirements for All Program Positions Download