Range and Target Activity Training
The Atlanta Area Council sponsors training courses to enable Scouts, leaders, and others to improve their range and target skills and knowledge. Successful completion of the training courses will help increase your unit’s chances of having a successful range and target activities weekend, increase your personal knowledge of range and target activities, safety, and marksmanship.
Upcoming Trainings:
Cub Scout Rangemaster Training
When: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00PM
Where: Atlanta Area Council, VSC
Cost: Free
Note: Please bring lunch, a water bottle, notepad, and pen
The Northeast Georgia Council is offering a couple of upcoming USA Archery and NRA Instructor Trainings. Please see https://www.nega-bsa.org/Shooting-Sports for more information.
Below are a couple of outside (non-BSA) vendors that also provide NRA training in the Atlanta Area:
Legacy Outdoors Skills
Defensive Specialties
Cub Rangemaster Training September 07, 2024
We Need Instructors
We need certified instructors to serve as Shooting Merit Badge Shooting Counselors, conduct Shooting Sports Merit Badge classes, and to help with Atlanta Area Council Events, Summer Camps, District Camporees, Troop / Unit Shooting Events, and other Level 2 shooting events.
How Do I Get Certified?
The NRA and USA Archery instructor training courses are designed to teach new instructors how to teach others. By learning to teach others, you will also increase your personal knowledge, skills and attitude of firearms and archery. As a plus, becoming an instructor will probably improve your personal shooting skills. Participants who successfully complete the NRA or USA Archery instructor training courses will be classified as a certified instructor for the respective organization.
Participants in the NRA Instructor Training Course must be at least 21 years of age and citizens of the United States.
Training Paths to Certified Instructor based on Shooting Sports Discipline:
Cub Scout Shooting Events Range Master
Complete the Range Master Training Course
Complete the Level 1 Archery Instructor Course
NRA Range Safety Officer
Complete the NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) Training Course
NRA Rifle Instructor
Complete Rifle Skills and Knowledge Online Questionnaire, Complete Rifle Skills and Handling Pre-Qualification Range Session, Complete the NRA Basic Instructor Training Course (BIT - Cost included in the Rifle Instructor Course), Complete the NRA Rifle Instructor Training Course
NRA Shotgun Instructor
Complete Shotgun Skills and Knowledge Online Questionnaire, Complete Shotgun Skills and Handling Pre-Qualification Range Session, Complete the NRA Basic Instructor Training Course (BIT - Cost included in the Shotgun Instructor Course), Complete the NRA Shotgun Instructor Training Course
NRA Pistol Instructor
Complete NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase 1 online, Complete NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase 2 on the range with NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Instructor, Complete the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting ILT (Instructor Led Training). Shoot an Instructor pre-qualification target. Complete the NRA Basic Instructor Training Course (BIT - Cost included in the Pistol Instructor Course), Complete the NRA Pistol Instructor Training Course.
Note: The NRA Basic Instructor Training is the same for all NRA courses and need only be taken once regardless of the number of NRA Instructor classes you wish to take. The BIT class will be offered once per session and be open to all disciplines.
Rangemaster Trainings - For a camp to run a range we must have trained leaders to staff it, we call them Rangemasters. Are you interested in becoming one of the elite members of staff? Got what it takes to help guide young men as they practice their skills at Archery, BB, and Sling Shot?
How Can I Volunteer?
Volunteers who complete their certifications should provide the Atlanta Area Council Boy Scouts of America Shooting Sports Committee with their full contact information. As requests for facilities and services are made, all volunteers are contacted by the AAC Shootings Sports Activity Coordinator via e-mail and asked to provide support to all upcoming shooting sports activities. If you can volunteer, please respond to the e-mail with your availability for the events you can volunteer to cover