Scouting Activities

Activities Are Why Scouts Like Scouting

And the Atlanta Area Council supports many activities for Scouts of all ages – Scouting is a year round active program.  Check out the many options you have for Dens, Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships and Posts to put the “outing” in Scouting.

For events sponsored and staffed by Atlanta Area Council volunteers, see the Council Activities Calendar for events that might work for your program. 

  • More activities will be produced in the “Districts” of the Council – a map of the Districts, and links to District information (including professional contacts, District Websites, and key upcoming events) are found in the “Districts” page.

Cub Scout Dens, Packs and Families can all use the many resources in the Cub Scout Advancement Awards & Activities page, including Rank by Rank and Adventure by Adventure resource pages to help parents work together to help their Scouts earn the Rank badge that their Den is aiming to complete.

Older Scouts in Troops need activities too.  Scoutmasters and Assistants might want to share the ideas found in this Scouts BSA Troop Activities portal with their youth leaders to have a stronger Troop program – all year long.  Want more for your Troop?  How about these:

Scouting service to the community is a key component of all levels of programs – for a menu of ideas about how your program, Scouts and families can help, see this Service Projects portal.  To expand your horizons, the Atlanta Area Council also supports these program activities:

  • To reflect on and develop family faith traditions, there are many opportunities for Scouts and families to participate in Duty to God activities year-round.
  • The International Scouting program provides unique opportunities to experience Scouting around the world.

All Scouts can benefit from participating in Product Sales – both by learning how to sell and by making Scouting affordable and expanding the activities your Scouts can do.

Go Team!  The Atlanta Area Council schedules many Scout Days with Your Atlanta Braves and many other local sports teams – fun for all units and families. 

Put it all together with the annual Program Planning resources for Packs and Troops.  Packs might find this “Build Your Best Year in Cub Scouting” resource page and video helpful in planning their best year to Get Out and Cub Scout!