Scouting for Food

The Atlanta Area Council invites all Scouts to participate in Scouting for Food this month to benefit the Atlanta Community food Bank and local food pantries. 

You can help!  It’s as easy as these 4 steps!

  1. Pick a date that you want to collect food from your neighbors.  Be sure to give your neighbors 7-10 days so they have time to order the food.

  2. Email or call your neighbors, or leave them a note to let them know when you are collecting. 

Here is a template to get you started. Be sure to also send out a reminder the day before you are collecting food.

"Hi neighbor! My name is (First and Last Name) and I am a Scout in (Pack/Troop/Crew/Ship) (Number). I am Scouting for Food this month to help families in our community. I will have a (plastic tub on my driveway on date from time-time) if you are interested in donating (or call my parents and we will swing by to pick up your donation from your driveway).  My family will take the food our neighborhood collects and deliver it to a local food pantry."

Here is a list of most needed items:

• Canned fruit and vegetables
• Canned tuna, chicken or salmon in water
• Canned or dried beans, peas or lentils low sodium
• Whole grain pasta and flour
• Brown rice, barley, quinoa
• Whole grain cereal
• Shelf-stable milk dairy, soy, rice, etc.
• Natural peanut butter plastic containers only
• Olive or canola oil plastic containers only
• Paper Products
• Diapers
• Toiletries

If you have any questions, please contact my (Mom/Dad/Grandmother) at (Phone/Email).

Thank you for helping others!

(Your Name)

  1. Collect the food.  Be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands before and after you handle the food.
  2. Drop-off the food at a local food pantry in your area or select a drop off location from: Drop Off Locations Map

AAC is no longer issuing patches for this Civic Service.  You can purchase patches for your unit in the Scout Shop at the Atlanta Area Council Visitor Service Center.

File Name Description
Food Drive Most Needed Items Download