Program Planning for January 2024

Things to Remember This Month:

  • Scouts, Start Your Engines – Pinewood Derby Days
  • Sign Up for CPR Saturday
  • Complete Journey to Excellence Scorecard
  • Empower Your Parents with Elective Adventure Ideas

January Council Events

Scouters Winter Campout

January 12-14

Details to come.


Quarterly Commissioner Meeting

January 10

Strategic meeting of Unit Commissioners to discuss how to best serve their unit programs.


Winter Family Jubilee

January 27

Fun, winter-themed activities for Scouts and family at Bert Adams Scout Camp.


January Planning Items

Work Camp Staff this Summer

Are your Scouts looking for the experience of a lifetime? Every summer we hire over 250 individuals to serve on camp staff at Woodruff and Bert Adams Scout Camps. Older Scouts and adult leaders are invited to be a part of something truly important as they teach valuable skills, traditions and values to camp participants. Applications are available in the fall and interviews are held in winter.

Simpler Plans (and more!) for Every Cub Adventure – Even Electives!

In the Rank by Rank pages of the Council Cub Advancement page resources are links to every Cub Scout Adventure, with videos to show you how it’s done (including BSA videos en español) plus simpler “streamlined” and “family-led” plans derived from the Den Leader Guide Plan, but made simpler and easier to use.  Share with your families, and let them help lead and succeed – both in your Den and at home (if they need to “make up” for missed meetings.

Pinewood Derby Racing

A highlight for many Cub Scouts (and parents) is racing in a Pinewood Derby – in your Pack, maybe also your District (if they do a Derby). Racing can happen any time, but is common in the early part of the year. Don’t have a track? Ask other Packs about borrowing one.  Got a track? Be helpful and invite other Packs to join you or borrow it. Plenty of information at and

Schedule a Friends of Scouting Presentation

Friends of Scouting is the annual fundraising campaign in which volunteers visit all Scouting Units during a special meeting (e.g. Blue and Gold Banquet). Presenters make a short presentation to the parents and adult leaders of the Unit explaining how the Scouting program is funded and why financial support is needed to maintain and expand the quality programs and camping facilities of the Atlanta Area Council. Please contact your District Executive or District Family Friends of Scouting Chair to schedule a presentation.

Whitney M. Young, Jr. Nominations Due

The Whitney M. Young, Jr. Service Award recognizes individuals and corporations who have been instrumental in the development of Scouting for youth who often face challenging barriers. Awards are presented at the Council’s annual ceremony in October.

Council Camp Card Sale Sign-Ups

Several Camp Card Kick Off events will be held in February. Make sure that you are signed up to sell. Camp Cards are a great way for Scouts to earn the money they need for Summer Camp and High Adventure Activities. It’s easy, fun and rewarding!