Program Planning for August 2025

Things to Remember This Month:

  • Welcome Back to School and “Back to the Pack”
  • Plan to Advance New Cub Scouts to Bobcat
  • Sign Up for Fall Cub Scout Family Camping Weekends
  • Plan Your Unit Popcorn Kick Off

August Council Events

Allatoona Aquatics Base Merit Badge Classes

June - September

Aquatics-focused merit badge courses, summer through fall.


First Year Scouting Skills

August 29 - 31

Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides the new Scouts BSA youth with basic Scout skills, and a weekend of fun!


Popcorn Kickoff


Learn how the popcorn sale supports your programs and local Scouting!


Popcorn Show and Sell Distribution

Date TBD

Collect your Popcorn for the sale!


August Planning Items

Pack Sign Up Events

Back to School time is back to Cub Scouting time, and your pack and dens have many routes to recruit, from Registration, Meet the Teacher or Meet and Greet days where you can have one-on-one contacts with families, to one or more fun den and pack activities (swim? bike? cookout?) that you can invite friends and classmates to attend, to School Sign Up Nights supported by your District Executive. A fun calendar of outdoor activities is the number one reason families like Cub Scouting, so… Get Out And Cub Scout!

Pack Parent Orientation (Alongside a Fun Event)

After your big Sign-Up Event, be sure that your Pack parents know how your Pack and Dens will operate – have a Pack orientation for all families. A best practice is to have this alongside a super fun event for the Scouts – and with food – so that every family will want to attend and get on the right path. For ideas about how to put on a great Pack Orientation, see

Bobcat and “First Meeting” Plans

Here’s something you might do as part of that first orientation and fun event.  What if you had an easy way where parents could have fun with their kids and share the joy of leading their Scouts as they complete the Bobcat Rank and earn their first badge? (Psst: your returning Scouts can use a refresher too.) These are great for “getting started” meetings and activities with your Den and can let parents feel the power of their leadership skills. See

Advancement Resources for Leaders and Parents

Cub Scouting is full of Handbook Advancement and Adventures – 96 in all. The link below will take you to resource pages for all of those Adventures, and give you – and the parents in your Den – helpful information to be great leaders of your Scouts. That page includes resources to lead the Bobcat rank too – the first rank badge awarded a new Cub Scout, except for Lions (who work on most of Bobcat in Lion Adventures).

Stay in the Know!

Make sure your leaders and parents know how to obtain the latest information about District and Council programs by including the following on all unit district communications: