Program Planning for April 2025

Things to Remember This Month:

  • Time for Simple Scouting with your Den and Pack
  • Reserve Summer Camp Merit Badge Spots
  • Sign Up for Cub Scout Days and Twilight Camps

April Council Events

Spring Family Cub-a-Ree

Two weekends: April 12-14, and 26-28

Enjoy beautiful Bert Adams Scout Camp in the Spring, while participating in all your favorite family camping music-inspired activities!



April 18-20

NAVO is an orienteering challenge for all Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, Explorers, and adults to enjoy

Learn More

NYLT: National Youth Leadership Training

April 1-6

Six-day advanced leadership course designed to teach Scouts skills to be better leaders.


Eagle Scout Recognition Ceremony

April 20, 2024

The Atlanta Area Council recognizes its annual class of Eagle Scouts at the Rialto Center for the Arts at Georgia State University..


April Planning Items

Register for Day Camp / Twilight Camp

Day Camp or Twilight Camp is a District event for Cub Scouts and their families entering 1st-5th grade. This event is full of fun, relevant activities such as BBs, archery, sports, games, crafts, learning new skills and advancement opportunities as well as making new friends. Scouts can attend any district’s camp which typically are 4-5 days long and are held during the summer at varying times – Day Camps are held during the daytime, Twilight Camps are held in the late afternoon into the evening. For a successful Day or Twilight Camp, many parent volunteers are needed.

Recycle for Good

This year all Atlanta Area Council Packs, Troops, Crews and Posts are challenged to join Recycle for Good with the goal of collecting 10,000 pounds of aluminum for recycling. This will help fund a Habitat for Humanity home for a family in Atlanta’s Westside community! To participate register your unit with the Recycle for Good program and start Recycling Aluminum Bottles & Cans. Then tell Us About Your Success on our website.

Cub Scouting Should be Fun, Family + Friends

"Completing your Cub Scout Rank” doesn’t mean “Ending Your Cub Scout Year” – you can have more simple scouting events with Fun, Family + Friends, enjoy, relax, and recommit. Some of this year’s parents have seen Cub Scouting success and will be willing to join your leader team – if you ask. Every family that likes Scouting can invite other families to join you, register now, and be ready for the Summer of Fun! Many ideas of things to do and places to go at